Sunday, March 11, 2012

PyCon 2012

We (cpt_yesterday, gholms and obino) left Silicon Beach (aka Santa Barbara home of Eucalyptus) on Thursday and drove up to Santa Clara for my first PyCon.

Driving from Silicon Beach to Silicon Valley

I was a bit leery about dinner (just few week ago cpt_yesterday and I got food poisoned in Sunnyvale), but all went well and it was great to see Mitch.

Setting up the booth

We set up the booth on the morning, just before the keynotes. The booth has been a good meeting point throughout the conference to talk about Eucalyptus, get a bit of rest, or just grab one of our t-shirts. It's always rewarding to talk about how Eucalyptus is used in production or to receive thumbs up from people walking by.

Mitch and cpt_yesterday
This was my first PyCon, and been a Python n00b myself (my first python program is few weeks old), it was a bit intimidating to be around such a crowd. Everyone was very helpful and engaging and willing to tolerate newbie: a very nice experience.
gholms likes PyCon
We got a bit distracted from the conference by PG&E: they told us on Friday night that an urgent safety fix was needed and Saturday they will pull the power all around our HQ. Like all good DevOps we spent quite a bit of time to prepare for the outage, coordinating with the team back at HQ. Our core services runs on our public Eucalyptus cloud at CoreSite (read more about the ECC for more info on our setup) but we have an internal cloud we use at HQ, and we wanted to be sure all these internal services were shut down nicely.

The stars of the conference

And of course I needed a picture of the stars of PyCon 2012.

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